How to offset the own ship icon
You can offset the default "center" location for the own ship icon. When you tap the
[Center] icon (top-right corner of the screen), the ship and chart are moved to the cen-
ter of the screen. When offset, the ship icon is located in the lower section of the
1. From the Home screen, tap [Settings] => [Ship and Tracks] => [Ship].
2. Tap the toggle box at [Own Ship Offset] to show [ON], or [OFF] as required.
3. Tap the [x] icon at the top-right of the menu to close the menu.
How to restore factory defaults
You can restore the settings for the [Ship and Tracks] menu to their factory defaults.
1. From the Home screen, tap [Settings] => [Ship and Tracks].
2. Tap [Restore Defaults] => [Restore Default Settings]. A confirmation message ap-
3. Tap [Yes] to restore the factory default settings, or tap [No] to keep the current set-
Cursor Data
You can tap a chart object to place the cursor on the object. Information for the cursor
location (latitude, longitude, bearing and distance from own ship) appears in the cursor
data box, at the bottom-right of the screen.
Point to Point Measurements
You can use the [Ruler] function from the slide-out menu to measure the bearing,
range and estimated trip time between two points on the chart.
1. Tap the location on the chart you want to measure from. The cursor appears at
the start location.
2. Swipe the right-hand edge of the screen leftwards to show the slide-out menu.
3. Tap [Ruler]. The “start” point (cursor location) changes to an circled “A”.
4. Tap the location you want to measure to.
A second, movable point “B” appears. the bearing, range and estimated trip time
from point “A” to point “B” appears at the bottom-right corner of the screen. The