FT-111(D) Panel Weighing Indicator, Technical Manual, Rev.1.0.0, May 2019
ZR I Zero range of the indicated weight
The digital output is activated if the absolute indicated weight value is in the zero range. Refer to
parameter 366 to enter zero range value.
ZR G Zero range of the indicated weight
The digital output is activated if the gross weight value is in the zero range.
Refer to parameter 366 to enter zero range value.
The digital output is activated at the displayed weight value is stable.
The digital output is activated during the weighing indicator is in operation. The output is low in power on
cycle and in setup modes.
In Net Mode
The digital output is activated during net weight indication.
The digital output is activated when any Error is announced on the display.
Remote Output over fieldbus or BSI
The digital output(s) can be controlled from PLC as a Remote output if the instrument is equipped with any
fieldbus option. Refer to related fieldbus command table to activate or deactivate the outputs. This usage
is independent from the weighing process of the instrument.