FT-111(D) Panel Weighing Indicator, Technical Manual, Rev.1.0.0, May 2019
3.3 Specifications
Analogue Load cell (only FT-111)
A/D converter type
24-bit Delta-Sigma ratio metric with integral analog and digital filters
Conversion rate
Up to 1600 measurement values per second
Input sensitivity
μV/e approved; 0.05 μV/d non approved.
Analog input range
-5 mV to +19 mV
Internal resolution
up to 16 000 000
5 VDC max. 150 mA
Number of load cells
Up to 8
load cells 350 Ω or 25 load cells 1100 Ω.
4- or 6-wire technique.
Home run cable length: maximum 1000 m/mm² for 6-wire connection between
FT-111 and junction box.
Digital load cell (only FT-111 D)
RS 485
Interface baud rate
Up to 57600
4 wire. Up to 500 meters.
Number of load cell
Up to 24 digital load cells.
Internal resolution
200 000 counts
12 VDC, max. 1.3 A
Single range, up to 3 x multi intervals, up to 3 x multi ranges.
Display resolution
Approval, up to 10 000 division at usage in trade, according to EN45501
and OIML R76.
Up to 300 000 division at industrial usage.
FT-111 D
Maximum 20 000 . Should be limited by 10% of the maximum count of
the digital load cell for accurate measurement.
Calibration and Functions
Calibration with test weights,
eCal electronic calibration without test weights,
Temporary zero calibration,
Zero adjustment, Gain adjustment,
Coefficient entry.
Digital filter
5 steps programmable adaptive filter
Dynamic filter
Programmable dynamic filter
Weighing functions
Taring, zeroing, auto zero tracking, motion detection, auto zero at power up, tare
status save at power off, increased resolution, automatic tare and clear,
temporary gross indication, unit change.
Standard applications
Labelling with barcode, livestock weighing and free setpoints, basic peak, hold,
functional outputs, Remote IO of PLC or HMI, fieldbus interface.