Analog Outputs
The following technical data only apply to devices, which are equipped with analog outputs. Please refer to the order
code of your device.
The mode of each output can be individually selected between current or voltage output. Shielded cable for the analog
outputs is recommended. The terminals of the HF shield should be used, when connecting the shield to ground on both
sides of the cable is not possible. On one side of the cable the shield has to be directly connected to ground. In case of
the use of unshielded twisted pair cables, the length must not exceed 10 m. All analog outputs have a common potenti-
al. Each output has an own common terminal.
Current mode
Max. load resistance:
0-20 mA
1 k
Voltage mode
0-10 V maximum output current 1 mA
0.5% of the nominal value 20 mA resp. 10 V
Influence of temperature to accuracy
<1% (within the range of 0°C to +60°C (+32°F to +140°F)
Test voltage of outputs (one group)
against other electrical groups
Test voltage of outputs (one group)
against ground
2.5 kV
1.0 kV
Boot Phase
After switching on the power supply, the protection will be available in approximately 22 seconds. After approximately
2,5 min, the boot phase is completed (HMI and Communication initialized).