Parameter Setting at the HMI
Every parameter belongs to an access area. Editing and changing of a parameter requires a sufficient access
The User can obtain the required access authorizations by unlocking access areas in advance of parameter changes or
context-dependent. In the following sections both options will be explained.
Option 1: Direct Authorization for an Access Area
Call up menu [Device Para\Access level].
Select the required access level respectively navigate to the required access authorization (level). Enter the
required password. If the correct password has been entered, the required access authorization will be obtained.
In order to do the parameter changes please proceed as follows:
Move to the parameter you want to change by using the Softkeys. If the parameter is selected, the lower right
corner of the display should show a »Wrench« symbol.
This symbol indicates, that the parameter is unlocked and can be edited, because the required access
authorization is available. Confirm the Softkey »Wrench«, in order to edit the parameter. Change the parameter.
Now you can:
save the change you made and have them adopted by the system or:
change additional parameters and save finally all the altered parameters and have them adopted by the system.
To save parameter changes immediately,
press the
key for saving changed parameters directly and to have them adopted by the device. Confirm
the parameter changes by pressing the
»Yes« Softkey or dismiss by pressing