32V - Reactive Power Protection
Available Elements:
32V[1] ,32V[2] ,32V[3]
This is the 32V device Reactive Power Protection setting. Each element can be set to one of five settings:
Do Not Use;
Over Forward Reactive Power (Q>);
Under Forward Reactive Power (Q<);
Over Reverse Reactive Power (Qr>); and
Under Reverse Reactive Power (Qr<).
Each element consists of a Pickup and a Delay setting. These elements are based on rated apparent power Van.
Definition for VAn is as follows:
VAn = SQRT(3) * VT secondary rating * CT secondary rating (I=1/5A) for wye
or VAn = 3 * VT secondary rating/SQRT(3) * CT secondary rating (I=1/5A) for delta connections.
The following graphics show the areas that are protected by the corresponding modes.