Setting range
Menu path
PS2: Activated by
This Setting Group will be the active one if: The
Parameter Setting Group Switch is set to "Switch via
Input" and the other three input functions are inactive at
the same time. In case there is more than one input
function active, no Parameter Setting Group Switch will
be executed. In case all input functions are inactive, the
device will keep working with the Setting Group that was
activated lastly.
Only available if: PSet-Switch = PSS via Inp fct
1..n, PSS
Sys.Maint Mode
[Protection Para
PS3: Activated by
This Setting Group will be the active one if: The
Parameter Setting Group Switch is set to "Switch via
Input" and the other three input functions are inactive at
the same time. In case there is more than one input
function active, no Parameter Setting Group Switch will
be executed. In case all input functions are inactive, the
device will keep working with the Setting Group that was
activated lastly.
Only available if: PSet-Switch = PSS via Inp fct
1..n, PSS
[Protection Para
PS4: Activated by
This Setting Group will be the active one if: The
Parameter Setting Group Switch is set to "Switch via
Input" and the other three input functions are inactive at
the same time. In case there is more than one input
function active, no Parameter Setting Group Switch will
be executed. In case all input functions are inactive, the
device will keep working with the Setting Group that was
activated lastly.
Only available if: PSet-Switch = PSS via Inp fct
1..n, PSS
[Protection Para
Remote Reset
Enables or disables the option to acknowledge from
external/remote via signals (assignments) and
[Device Para
/Ex Acknowledge]
All acknowledgeable LEDs will be acknowledged if the
state of the assigned signal becomes true.
Only available if: Remote Reset = Active
1..n, Assignment
[Device Para
/Ex Acknowledge]
Ack RO
All acknowledgeable Relay Outputs will be acknowledged
if the state of the assigned signal becomes true.
Only available if: Remote Reset = Active
1..n, Assignment
[Device Para
/Ex Acknowledge]
Ack Comm
Communication will be acknowledged if the state of the
assigned signal becomes true.
Only available if: Remote Reset = Active
1..n, Assignment
[Device Para
/Ex Acknowledge]