– Workshop Manual – D6000/i14/V10
© Dycon Ltd 2014
7.1.4 Confirm Settings
Settings can be confirmed with the VIEW command:
9876 VIEW POINT input1 ALL
Repeat for Input2, Input3, Input4, OP1, OP2 as required.
7.1.5 Adding Users
To add a user you must use the ADDNUM command:
9876 447·········
The phone number should be in international format (ie starting with a + symbol). If there is
no space in the user list for another number (max 4), a fail message will be returned. If the
number is omitted,
then the sender’s number will be added to the user list. Adding a number
that is already on the user list will not create a duplicate.
7.2 Commands
7.2.1 READ
Report the latest status of the listed points.
Access Level: Read
9876 READ <pointA> <pointB> <pointC> <pointD>
Input or output name or number.
ALL supported: Yes
Optional Input or output name or number.
Up to 4 points
Optional Input or output name or number.
Optional Input or output name or number.
9876 READ Input1 Battery
Request the value of Input1 and Battery
MesCom: Input1: Clear Battery: Good(4.1V)
Request the value of all enabled inputs and outputs
MesCom: Power: On(12.04V) Battery: Good(4.1V)
Button: Clear Temperature: Norm(22.12C) Input1:
Clear Input2: Clear Input3: Clear Input4: Clear
Op1: On Op2: Off 04/04/12,16:15:25
9876 READ 6 7 8
Request the value of points 6, 7 and 8
MesCom: Input1: Clear Input2: Clear Input3: Clear