– Workshop Manual – D6000/i14/V10
© Dycon Ltd 2014
Disable the listed points, provides a quick way to stop a faulty
point triggering messages.
Access Level:
9876 DISABLE <pointA> <pointB> <pointC> <pointD>
Input or output name or number.
ALL supported: Yes
Optional Input or output name or number.
Up to 4 points
Optional Input or output name or number.
Optional Input or output name or number.
9876 DISABLE Input1 Op2
Disable points Input1 and Op2
MesCom: DISABLE Successful 04/04/12,16:15:25
9876 DISABLE 8 10
Disable points 8 and 10
MesCom: DISABLE Successful 04/04/12,16:15:25
If a parameter is invalid, the MesCom will stop processing the list (points
before the invalid entry will be disabled).
The reverse of this command is ENABLE.
A point can also be disabled with the command POINT input1 ENABLED NO.
7.2.8 ENABLE
Enable the listed points, reverses the action of DISABLE
Access Level:
9876 ENABLE <pointA> <pointB> <pointC> <pointD>
Input or output name or number,
ALL supported: Yes
Optional input or output name or number,
Up to 4 points
Optional input or output name or number,
Optional input or output name or number,
9876 ENABLE Input1 Op2
Enable points Input1 and Op2
MesCom: ENABLE Successful 04/04/12,16:15:25
9876 ENABLE 8 10
Enable points 8 and 10
MesCom: ENABLE Successful 04/04/12,16:15:25
If a parameter is invalid, the MesCom will stop processing the list (points
before the invalid entry will be enabled).
The reverse of this command is DISABLE.
A point can also be enabled with the command POINT input1 ENABLED YES