– Workshop Manual – D6000/i14/V10
© Dycon Ltd 2014
9876 POINT Output1 DEBOUNCE 513
The MesCom will hang up and pulse the configured outputs On for 1 second.
9876 POINT Output1 DEBOUNCE 514
The MesCom will hang up and toggle the state of the configured outputs.
The calling phone number must be subscribed as an SMS user.
See section 7.7.24 for more configuration details of incoming calls.
Output Controlled by an Input State
Each output can be configured to follow a single input.
In this mode the user can’t change
the state of the output with the SWITCH and PULSE commands.
Digital inputs are followed with or without inversion. Analogue inputs are indicated as being
in the middle
‘Normal’ state (or not in middle state if inverted).
The DEBOUNCE setting is used to determine the outputs mode of operation, zero being
Normal operation, 1 to 255 causing the output to follow the input that point number.
Point 6
Point 7
Point 8
Point 9
NB only points values 1-11 are supported by the current MesCom.9876 POINT Output1
Example output will follow input 2
9876 POINT Output1 COUNT Neg
The COUNT setting is used to determine if the output is inverted.
The output directly follows one input there is no option to have a timed output due to follow
more than one input on a single output.
Fault Output
Outputs can be configured as a system fault output. Similar to following outputs this disables
the user control of the output. It can be configured to be Positive or Negative logic.
9876 POINT Output1 DEBOUNCE 256
9876 POINT Output1 COUNT Pos