Exp o rt Co n tro lle d – S e e P a g e 3
Rev D
ARMOR X10gx Tablet Computer
Page 204 of 234
ARMOR X10gx Tablet Computer
Figure 115. Reserved Battery Alert message
Critic a l Ba tte ry Le ve l Ala rm
When the remaining charge reaches 5% (critical battery level), Windows will automatically place
your computer into hibernate mode. Hibernation is a low-power mode that first saves your
current session to storage and then performs an orderly shutdown. You should replace your
depleted batteries or connect external power before restarting your computer.
When you restart your computer, you will resume your session where you left off.
Normally, the automatic hibernation at the 5% point will prevent the
loss of your session, but heavy demands on the batteries could
cause the battery charge to drop too quickly for the computer to
react and perform a safe shutdown. To avoid a sudden shut down
and loss of your current session, connect external power or
replace your batteries as soon as you see one of the above alert
Wh a t to Do if Yo u Ge t a Lo w Ba tte ry Ale rt
DRS recommends you do one of the following immediately should you get a low battery alert:
Connect external power and begin recharging the batteries
Replace one or both of the batteries with a fully charged battery.
Save your work and perform a normal system shutdown.
Fu lly De p le te d (Ove rly Dis c h a rg e d ) Ba tte rie s
If a battery continues to discharge until the total charge reaches the 3% level, it is fully depleted.
At this point, it can usually be recovered (see