Exp o rt Co n tro lle d – S e e P a g e 3
Rev D
ARMOR X10gx Tablet Computer
Page 198 of 234
ARMOR X10gx Tablet Computer
De p le te d Ba tte rie s Le ft in th e Co m p u te r
Lithium ion batteries left in a computer with the power off will discharge at approximately 4%
over a 24 hour period. Therefore, a depleted battery can become fully depleted or possibly
overly discharged in about two days.
De p le te d Ba tte rie s Re m o ve d fro m th e Co m p u te r
A lithium battery that is not installed in the X10gx will self discharge at the rate of about 0.3% in
a 24 hour period or about 3% every 10 days (faster in higher temperature conditions). A
depleted battery that is removed is therefore in danger of becoming fully depleted, or possibly
overly discharged, in about 30 days.
Fu lly De p le te d a n d Ove rly Dis c h a rg e d Ba tte rie s
A lithium battery is considered fully depleted when its charge level falls below 3%. When a
battery becomes fully depleted, the LEDs on the fuel gauge may not light but it is still possible to
recover the battery if you recharge it immediately. If a fully depleted battery is not recharged
soon enough (generally within 24 hours), it can enter an overly discharged state in which it may
not respond to normal efforts to recharge it (see
What to Do for an Overly Discharged
Un -re c o ve ra b le Ba tte rie s
If the charge level is allowed to drop to around 0% and the battery is not soon recharged, a
safety circuit inside the battery can activate and render the battery un-recoverable. To avoid this
possibility, DRS recommends you recharge any battery that reaches the fully depleted state
(<3% charge) as soon as possible.
Batteries that are allowed to continue discharging after reaching
the 3% charge level may become un-recoverable and have to be
Avo id in g Ove rly Dis c h a rg in g Yo u r Ba tte rie s
The following suggestions will help avoid an overly discharged condition.
Do not store the X10gx for long periods with the batteries installed without connecting
external power. Even when the unit is powered off, the tablet still draws a small amount
of power from the batteries.
Do not store X10gx batteries in a fully depleted condition for long periods of time. The
X10gx batteries will further self-discharge over time at a rate of about 3% every 10 days
or about 10% a month. For long-term storage, the batteries should be recharged to at
least 40% of full charge every 3-4 months of storage.