Exp o rt Co n tro lle d – S e e P a g e 3
Rev D
ARMOR X10gx Tablet Computer
Page 218 of 234
ARMOR X10gx Tablet Computer
Lithium ion batteries self discharge at the rate of about 10% per month. While in long-
term storage, you should recharge the batteries every 3-4 months to a charge level of
To check a battery’s remaining charge, insert it in the X10gx, power up the unit and
select the
Battery Monitor
button from the ARMORutils Main window.
Ba tte ry Tip s fo r Be s t P e rfo rm a n c e
Recharge a battery within 24 hours of a full discharge. Batteries remaining in a fully
discharged state longer than 24 hours may deteriorate more quickly.
Battery charging should be done at temperatures between 32°F (0°C) to 95°F (35°C),
but preferably at room temperature. The battery could deteriorate more quickly when
charged at high temperatures.
When operating your ARMOR X10gx on external power for extended periods of time (1
week or longer), it’s best to remove the batteries and store them in a cool place until
If possible, allow a battery to warm or cool to the temperature of your surroundings
before installing it in the tablet.
Dis p o s in g Of Yo u r Us e d Ba tte rie s
Dis p o s a l
You can dispose of your X10gx batteries in a normal waste receptacle. However, they contain
recyclable materials that can be extracted and used again. Please see the section on recycling
Disposed lithium-ion batteries that are not fully discharged contain
active salts that can result in an explosion if suddenly exposed to
moisture or water in the environment. To prevent possible injury to
someone finding the battery, please ensure it is fully discharged
before disposing in a domestic or commercial garbage receptacle.
Re c yc lin g
Lithium-ion batteries are fully recyclable and should not be simply thrown away. Please help
protect our environment by turning in your defective batteries to an authorized recycler, or send
them back to DRS.
DRS Tactical Systems supports recycling of batteries and will take back your batteries using a
Returned Material Authorization (RMA) form. Please contact the DRS Technical Support center
toll-free at 1-888-872-1100 for more information.
Follow these precautions when handling or returning used batteries:
Insulate the battery contacts with tape.