Exp o rt Co n tro lle d – S e e P a g e 3
Rev D
Page 126 of 234
ARMOR X10gx Tablet Computer
Remaining Capacity
– This is the current energy level expressed in mAh instead of % of
Maximum Capacity
– This is the current maximum energy capacity that the battery can
achieve. This value is determined primarily by the battery’s age, operating temperature history
and total number of accumulated charge cycles.
Design Capacity
– This is the maximum capacity that the battery was designed to hold.
Charge Cycles Count
– This is the total number of times the battery has been discharged
below the 30% level and then recharged.
Est. Cycles Remaining
– This is a rough estimate of the number of remaining cycles before
your battery reaches it’s 80% capacity, at which point it is a candidate for replacement. This
estimate is based on an industry average of 400 cycles under nominal usage. When the
remaining cycles count reaches 0, you should consider replacing the battery.
Ch a rg e r S e ttin g s Bu tto n
Click on the
Charger Settings
button to open the
Charger Control Settings
window shown in
Figure 72. In this window, you can decide what charging policy the system will use when two
batteries are installed.
Figure 72. ARMORutils Charger Control Settings Window
Ch a rg e Bo th
If you select Charge Both, both batteries will charge at the same time regardless of
individual battery charge level. The total charge level indicated is determined by adding the
charge of both batteries and dividing this sum by 2.