Exp o rt Co n tro lle d – S e e P a g e 3
Rev D
Page 38 of 234
ARMOR X10gx Tablet Computer
In c lu d e d Co m p o n e n ts , Ac c e s s o rie s a n d S u p p o rt
The ARMOR X10gx ships with two 2400 mAh rechargeable batteries (P/N 0300-15663-2400). A
single battery is shown in
Ba tte rie s
Figure 11. These are high efficiency lithium-ion batteries that are “hot
swappable.” That is, if you have two batteries installed, you can replace one battery while the
tablet operates on the other battery. With this capability, you do not have to shut down the
computer or interrupt your current operating session in order to replace a battery.
The X10gx can operate as long as 4 hours on two fully charged batteries and up to 2.5 hours on
a single battery.
Figure 11. ARMOR X10gx Battery
Your ARMOR X10gx normally comes equipped with a 32 GB 1.8” solid-state drive (P/N
0000F49855-0032) that is mounted inside the sealed Flexspace compartment (see
S o lid S ta te Drive (S S D)
Figure 4 for
location). An optional 80 GB drive (P/N 0000F49855-0080) is also available. Both drives are
shown in Figure 12.
Figure 12. X10gx 32 GB and Optional 80 GB Solid-State Hard Drives