WARNING/ALARM 8, DC under voltage
If the DC-link voltage (DC-link) drops below the
undervoltage limit, the frequency converter trips after a
fixed time delay. The time delay varies with unit size.
Check that the supply voltage matches the
frequency converter voltage.
Perform the input voltage test.
Perform the soft charge circuit test.
WARNING/ALARM 9, Inverter overload
The frequency converter is about to cut out because of an
overload (too high current for too long). The counter for
electronic, thermal inverter protection issues a warning at
90% and trips at 100%, while giving an alarm. The
frequency converter
be reset until the counter is
below 0%.
The fault is that the frequency converter has run with
more than 100% overload for too long.
Compare the output current shown on the LCP
with the frequency converter rated current.
Compare the output current shown on the LCP
with measured motor current.
Display the thermal frequency converter load on
the LCP and monitor the value. When running
above the frequency converter continuous
current rating, the counter increases. When
running below the frequency converter
continuous current rating, the counter decreases.
WARNING/ALARM 10, Motor overload temperature
According to the electronic thermal protection (ETR), the
motor is too hot. Select whether the frequency converter
issues a warning or an alarm when the counter reaches
100% in
parameter 1-90 Motor Thermal Protection
. The fault
occurs when the motor runs with more than 100%
overload for too long.
Check for motor overheating.
Check if the motor is mechanically overloaded.
Check that the motor current set in
parameter 1-24 Motor Current
is correct.
Ensure that motor data in parameters 1-20 to
1-25 are set correctly.
Running AMA in
parameter 1-29 Automatic Motor
Adaptation (AMA)
tunes the frequency converter
to the motor more accurately and reduces
thermal loading.
WARNING/ALARM 11, Motor thermistor over temp
Check whether the thermistor is disconnected. Select
whether the frequency converter issues a warning or an
alarm in
parameter 1-90 Motor Thermal Protection
Check for motor overheating.
Check if the motor is mechanically overloaded.
When using terminal 53 or 54, check that the
thermistor is connected correctly between either
terminal 53 or 54 (analog voltage input) and
terminal 50 (+10 V supply). Also check that the
terminal switch for 53 or 54 is set for voltage.
Check that
parameter 1-93 Thermistor Source
selects terminal 53 or 54.
When using terminal 18, 19, 31, 32, or 33 (digital
inputs), check that the thermistor is connected
correctly between the digital input terminal used
(digital input PNP only) and terminal 50. Select
the terminal to use in
WARNING/ALARM 13, Over current
The inverter peak current limit (approximately 200% of the
rated current) is exceeded. The warning lasts about 5 s,
then the frequency converter trips and issues an alarm.
Shock loading or fast acceleration with high-inertia loads
can cause this fault.
Remove power and check if the motor shaft can
be turned.
Check that the motor size matches the frequency
Check parameters 1-20 to 1-25 for correct motor
ALARM 14, Earth (ground) fault
There is current from the output phases to ground, either
in the cable between the frequency converter and the
motor or in the motor itself.
Remove power to the frequency converter and
repair the ground fault.
Check for ground faults in the motor by
measuring the resistance to ground of the motor
leads and the motor with a megohmmeter.
ALARM 16, Short circuit
There is short-circuiting in the motor or motor wiring.
Remove power to the frequency converter and repair the
short circuit.
WARNING/ALARM 17, Control word timeout
There is no communication to the frequency converter.
The warning is only active when
parameter 8-04 Control
Word Timeout Function
is NOT set to
[0] Off
parameter 8-04 Control Word Timeout Function
is set to
Stop and Trip
, a warning appears and the frequency
converter ramps down until it trips, while giving an alarm.
Parameter 8-03 Control Timeout Time
could possibly be
Programming Guide
Danfoss A/S © 7/2015 All rights reserved.