enCoRe™ V CY7C643xx, enCoRe™ V LV CY7C604xx TRM, Document No. 001-32519 Rev *H
Sleep and Watchdog
Timing Diagrams
Sleep Sequence
The SLEEP bit in the CPU_SCR0 register, is an input into
the sleep logic circuit. This circuit is designed to sequence
the device into and out of the hardware sleep state.
shows the hardware sequence to put the device
to sleep, defined as follows.
1. Firmware sets the SLEEP bit in the CPU_SCR0 register.
The Bus Request (BRQ) signal to the CPU is immedi-
ately asserted: This is a request by the system to halt
CPU operation at an instruction boundary.
2. The CPU issues a Bus Request Acknowledge (BRA) on
the following
of the CPU clock.
3. The sleep logic waits for the following
the CPU clock and then asserts a system wide Power
Down (PD) signal. In
, the CPU is halted and
the system wide PD signal is asserted.
The system-wide PD signal controls three major circuit
blocks: the flash memory module, the Internal Main Oscilla-
tor (6-/12-MHz oscillator), and the bandgap voltage refer-
ence. These circuits transition into a zero power state.
The only operational circuits on the enCoRe V device in
standby sleep mode are the ILO, the bandgap refresh cir-
cuit, and the supply voltage monitor circuit. In standby sleep
mode, the supply voltage monitor circuit is active only during
the buzz interval. To properly detect and recover from a
VDD brown out condition, the configurable buzz rate must
be frequent enough to capture the falling edge of VDD. If the
falling edge of VDD is too sharp to be captured by the buzz
rate, any of the following actions must be taken to ensure
that the device properly responds to a brown out condition.
Bring the device out of sleep before powering down. This
can be accomplished in firmware, or by asserting XRES
before powering down.
Assure that VDD falls below 100 mV before powering
back up.
Set the No Buzz bit in the OSC_CR0 register to keep the
voltage monitoring circuit powered during sleep.
Increase the buzz rate to assure that the falling edge of
VDD will be captured. The rate is configured through the
PSSDC bits in the SLP_CFG register.
In deep sleep mode, the ILO, bandgap refresh circuit, and
supply voltage monitor circuit are all powered down. How-
ever, additional low-power voltage monitoring circuitry gets
enabled when entering deep sleep. This additional low-
power voltage monitoring circuitry allows VDD brown out
conditions to be detected for edge rates slower than 1V/ms.
Figure 11-3. Sleep Sequence
On the falling edge of
CPUCLK, PD is asserted.
The system clock is halted;
the Flash and bandgap are
powered down.
Firmware write to
the SLEEP bit
causes an
immediate BRQ.
CPU captures
BRQ on next
CPUCLK edge.
CPU responds
with a BRA.