en03d141.fm, 11.03.2008
PL12EN-1300 2008-03
When the Debug I/O is activated, you may select input and output channels to be activated man-
ually by selecting the check box that is located to the left of the desired signal. The On button
<F1> key, Off button <F2> key and Restore button <F3> key may be pressed to change the state
of the signal. Manually turning on/off signals overrides the system signal on the selected chan-
nels simultaneously. The system signal is restored on all channels when the restore button is
pressed and when the diagnostics menu is exited. The state of all signals will remain intact when
other menu tabs are selected.
Note that fieldbus inputs that are activated will override inputs from the 24v digital I/O in some
cases; thus, activating a digital input under this scenario may not produce a system response.
This feature may not be activated from TM-COM except for TMEM.
Diagnostic / Fieldbus
Fig. 3-42: Fieldbus
A light box for each available input and output is displayed to show the current status. In case an
input or output is active, the light will be green.
You will find a detailed description of these signals under 3.4.4 Advanced Application Builder /
Fieldbus, page 46.
Debug I/O
Debugging I/O is inherently dangerous as toggling on any input or output can trigger another
response. The outputs can be connected to other devices causing movement of the tooling.
Use extreme caution when activating this feature!
When the Debug I/O is activated, you may select input and output channels to be activated man-
ually by selecting the check box that is located to the left of the desired signal. The On button
<F1> key, Off button <F2> key and Restore button <F3> key may be pressed to change the state
of the signal. Manually turning on/off signals overrides the system signal on the selected chan-
nels simultaneously. The system signal is restored on all channels when the restore button is