User Guide for Cisco Security MARS Local Controller
Configuring Database Applications
Database applications are typically high-value assets, and as such, they are common targets for attacks.
Database applications provide MARS with user activity, such as successful and failed login attempts,
session durations, and activities indicative of privilege escalation.
This chapter explains how to bootstrap and add the following database applications to MARS:
Oracle Database Server Generic, page 11-1
Oracle Database Server Generic
To configure CS-MARS to collect information from the Oracle database server, you must perform three
configure the Oracle database server to generate a audit trail and record those events the database.
represent the device in the web interface
configure the interval at which CS-MARS should pull the logs from the Oracle database server.
Configuring the pull interval is a one-time operation that applies to all of the Oracle database servers
monitored by the MARS Appliance.
This section contains the following topics:
Configure the Oracle Database Server to Generate Audit Logs, page 11-1
Add the Oracle Database Server to MARS, page 11-2
Configure Interval for Pulling Oracle Event Logs, page 11-3
Configure the Oracle Database Server to Generate Audit Logs
You must configure the Oracle database server to write audit logs to the database. You may need your
DBA support to perform most of these configurations. Once configured, MARS can retrieve the audit
logs from your Oracle database server. The following examples are for an Oracle instance running on a
UNIX/Linux application host.
To configure an Oracle database server to write audit logs, follow these steps:
Step 1
As sysdba execute cataudit.sql to create audit trail views:
[oracle@server]$ sqlplus /nolog