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Install the C7 subscriber interface cables as follows:
Connecting the subscriber interface cables requires that the protection blocks
supporting the expansion shelf are already installed. Verify that copper line protection for
the expansion shelf is installed before continuing. See Installing a Protection Mounting
Frame and Installing a Protection Block for installation instructions.
Route the 25-pair interface cables from the protection panel location (typically in the
splice compartment) to the C7 expansion shelf.
On the C7 rear panel, connect the interface cables to the appropriate C7 slots (RJ-21
connectors), per the slot labels on each cable. Tighten the screws on each RJ-21
connector (to 6 in. lbs.) to secure the mated connection.
Route all cables toward the hinged side of the rack. Do not block the air exhaust
ramp at the top of the shelf.
Use cable ties to dress and secure the cables to the shelf on the hinged side of the rack.