Second Environment, Industrial Area
Facilities not directly connected to a low-voltage mains to supply buildings in
residential areas.
If the limit values in an industrial area separated from public supply by a
transformer station only have to be complied with at the property boundary or
in the neighboring low-voltage mains, the filter might not be necessary. In the
vicinity such as measuring sensors, measuring lines or measuring devices, it is
normally required to use the interference suppression filter.
Increasing the noise immunity of a sensitive device can often be the
economically better solution compared to measures of interference suppression
at the drive system of installation.
First Environment
Environment containing residential areas and facilities directly connected,
without interstage transformer, to a low-voltage mains supplying buildings in
residential areas.
Medium-sized manufacturing plants and industrial establishments can be
connected to the public low-voltage mains together with residential buildings. In
this case there is a high risk for radio and television reception if there are not
any measures for radio interference suppression taken. Therefore, the indicated
measures are generally recommended.
Nominal Current of Supply Mains
The nominal current of the supply mains (
100 A or ≤ 100 A) is specified by the
local power supply company at the connection point of the mains. For industrial
companies, for example, such connection points are the interconnecting stations
from the power supply company.
Since it is impossible to obtain the lower limit values for residential areas with
all applications by means of usual measures (like in the case of large and
electrically not closed installations, longer motor cables or a large number of
drives), the following note included in EN 61800-3 has to be observed.
According to EN 61800-3, components of VFC 3210 drive system are
products of category C3: with external EMC filter.
VFC 3210 frequency converter with external EMC filter is applicable
to industrial environment (category C3).
See the following chapters for the limit classes (as per categories C1, C2, C3,
C4 according to EN 61800-3) which can be reached for Bosch Rexroth frequency
converter VFC 3210.
VFC 3210
Bosch Rexroth AG
Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)