High housing voltage and high leakage current! Danger to life, risk of injury by
electric shock!
Before switching on and before commissioning, ground or connect the com-
ponents of the electric drive and control system to the equipment grounding
conductor at the grounding points.
Connect the equipment grounding conductor of the components of the elec-
tric drive and control system permanently to the main power supply at all
times. The leakage current is greater than 3.5 mA.
1.4.2 Protective Extra-Low Voltage as Protection Against Electric Shock
Protective extra-low voltage is used to allow connecting devices with basic insu-
lation to extra-low voltage circuits.
On components of an electric drive and control system provided by Bosch
Rexroth, all connections and terminals with voltages between 5 and 50 volts are
PELV ("Protective Extra-Low Voltage") systems. It is allowed to connect devices
equipped with basic insulation (such as programming devices, PCs, notebooks,
display units) to these connections.
Danger to life, risk of injury by electric shock! High electrical voltage by incorrect
If extra-low voltage circuits of devices containing voltages and circuits higher
than 50 volts (e.g., the mains connection) are connected to Bosch Rexroth prod-
ucts, the connected extra-low voltage circuits must comply with the require-
ments for PELV ("Protective Extra-Low Voltage").
1.4.3 Protection Against Dangerous Movements
Dangerous movements can be caused by faulty control of connected motors.
Some common examples are:
Improper or wrong wiring or cable connection
Operator errors
Wrong input of parameters before commissioning
Malfunction of sensors and encoders
Defective components
Software or firmware errors
These errors can occur immediately after equipment is switched on or even after
an unspecified time of trouble-free operation.
The monitoring functions in the components of the electric drive and control
system will normally be sufficient to avoid malfunction in the connected drives.
Regarding personal safety, especially the danger of injury and/or property dam-
age, this alone cannot be relied upon to ensure complete safety. Until the inte-
grated monitoring functions become effective, it must be assumed in any case
Bosch Rexroth AG
Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls
VFC 3210