11.4 Motor Parameters Auto-Tuning
For the applications with higher requirement to control accuracy in V/f control,
motor parameter auto-tuning is necessary.
Check and make sure the following points before auto-tuning:
The motor is in standstill and not at high temperature.
The power rating of the frequency converter is close to that of the motor.
Set C1.05...C1.10 based on motor nameplate data. If the power factor data is
unavailable on the nameplate, keep the default setting of C1.10.
Set E0.08 according to motor parameters and actual application conditions.
Set auto-tuning mode and start motor parameter auto-tuning:
Set the following parameter according to the control mode of the frequency con-
verter and the application situation.
Setting range
Motor parameter tuning
0, 1
0: Inactive.
1: Static auto-tuning.
Press the <Run> button on the operating panel to start auto-tuning. In the proc-
ess of auto-tuning, a status code 'tUnE' will be displayed on the operating panel.
When the auto-tuning process is complete, the status code disappears and the
settings of the following parameters will be obtained automatically:
Static auto-tuning
Parameters obtained by auto-tuning
C1.12: Motor rated slip frequency
C1.20: Motor no-load current
C1.21: Stator resistance
C1.22: Rotor resistance
C1.23: Leakage inductance
C1.24: Mutual inductance
Tab. 11-6: Parameters obtained by auto-tuning
Bosch Rexroth AG
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VFC 3210