3: Converter running at zero speed
4: Speed arrival
5: Frequency level detection signal (FDT1)
6: Frequency level detection signal (FDT2)
7: Simple PLC stage complete
8: Simple PLC cycle complete
10: Converter undervoltage
11: Converter overload pre-warning
12: Motor overload pre-warning
13: Converter stop by external error
14: Converter error
15: Converter OK
16: Counter target value arrival
17: Counter middle value arrival
18: PID reference engineering value arrival
21: Parameter setting from communication
25: Converter error or warning
For parameter E2.15, the relationship between the output of '21:
Parameter setting from communication' and the communication
mode is as follow:
– For modbus mode, when bit8 of register 0x7F08 is '0', Tb_Ta is
opened; when bit8 is '1', Tb_Ta is closed.
– For other fieldbus mode, the output is defined by bit8 of pa-
rameter E2.20.
For parameter E2.26, the relationship between the output of '12:
Parameter setting from communication' and the communication
mode is as follow:
– For modbus mode, the output is defined by register 0x7F06.
The value range of register is 0.00 %...100.00 % (It means per-
centage of maximum analog output value).
– For other fieldbus mode, the output is defined by parameter
VFC 3210
Bosch Rexroth AG