3 608 870 A47
Tightening Technology |
Bosch Rexroth AG
Nexo cordless Wi-Fi nutrunner
| 3 608 870 A47/2019-10
CS351 IL
Compact system 350 with integrated logic. With the integrated logic in the compact system, single
channel control can be implemented as a gateway between the PLC fieldbus and the Nexo cordless
Wi-Fi nutrunner.
Strain gauges. Measuring device that changes its electrical resistance even with slight deformation
and is thus used as a strain gauge sensor.
Torque filter factor
Additional parameter for determining the gradient.
The NX-SD Micro SD card is already plugged into the nutrunner as delivered.
Nexo browser-based operating system NEXO-OS. On delivery, the operating software is pre-
installed as an integral part of the Nexo cordless Wi-Fi nutrunner.
Nexo cordless Wi-Fi nutrunner NXA angle nutrunner with slim angle head.
Nexo cordless Wi-Fi nutrunner - NXP pistol grip nutrunner.
Nexo cordless Wi-Fi nutrunner VarioLine nutrunner NXV, standard machine angle nutrunner without
angle head.
Nexo cordless Wi-Fi nutrunner VarioLine nutrunner NXV, pistol grip nutrunner with extended
interface for special output drives.
Ring memory
Limited storage is available in the ring memory. The oldest data will be overwritten with the latest
data if more storage space is required.
Tightening process
The tightening process describes the entire tightening procedure including the various individually
parameterized tightening program steps (such as "finding", "driving in" "tightening", etc.) until the
target function is reached (torque, angle, etc.).
Tightening application
Within a tightening application (also called application), 1 to a maximum of 40 tightening channels
are coordinated.
Tightening channel
Where the Nexo cordless Wi-Fi nutrunner is concerned, this refers to the nutrunner itself.
A tightening channel in the Tightening System 350 comprises the necessary components for
tightening. This includes the complete tightening spindle, controller, servo amplifier, and connection
Tightening program
The tightening program coordinates the tightening process/sequence. It is divided into various
tightening steps, where tightening parameters are set.
Tightening position
The tightening position is the defined location where tightening is performed using a tightening
channel and a tightening program.
Tightening system
A tightening system is a complete system with all tightening channels that are needed to carry out
the defined tightening case.
Tightening cell
The Nexo cordless Wi-Fi nutrunner is a separate tightening cell which features a data interface for
communication with an operating program or a partner controller.