A/B Encoder signals
Pulse signals of an encoder. For one motor revolution, a defined
number of pulse signals (e.g. 1000) is generated by the encoder.
The encoder signals are subjected to single, double or quadruple
Absolute dimensions
Refers to a system of dimensions for positioning operations. The
reference point for positioning is the reference point of the system.
Absolute positioning
For absolute positioning, the position value refers to the zero point
of the axis.
CCW rotation
Sense of rotation of the motor in a counterclockwise direction (as
seen from front towards the motor shaft).
The functions of a controller are accessed using commands.
Commands are sent from the master to a controller (slave). The
controller interprets and executes the commands.
CW rotation
Sense of rotation of the motor in a clockwise direction (as seen
from front towards the motor shaft).
With the download function, data are loaded into the controller
from a master computer.
Electronic gear
Externally supplied pulses are counted as A/B encoder signals or
pulse/direction signals and multiplied with a gear ratio. These
pulses are used as the reference variable for stepping motor
Sensor for motor position detection (actual position detection).
Error memory
Runtime errors are written to the controller’s error memory and
indicated in the controller’s status display.
Gear ratio
Multiplication factor for positioning operations, which is composed
of a numerator and a denominator (step-down gearing or step-up
WDP3-01X Ident. no.: 00441109760