SpinLite® Full Side Washer
Belanger, Inc. * PO BOX 5470 * Northville, MI 48167-5470 * Ph (248) 349-7010 * Fax (248) 380-9681
Tunnel Placement: Stand-Alone Installation
3) Check to make sure the driver side Leg Assembly is level by placing a torpedo level on the
Baseplate of the Leg.
4) If necessary, level the unit by using shims. Note, shims are not supplied by Belanger, Inc.
5) From the Accessory Box retrieve six (6) of the
5/8” Lag Bolts.
6) Once the driver side unit is square to the conveyor and is level then lag the driver side Leg to the
7) Next, position the passenger side SpinLite® FSW Leg Assembly in the tunnel so that it is aligned
with the driver side unit.
8) Place the passenger side Leg Assembly so that the outside edge of its Baseplate is 102-1/2
” from
the inside edge of the inside conveyor guide rail, as shown below.
9) Check to make sure the passenger side Leg is level, use shims if necessary. Retrieve the
remaining six
5/8” Lag Bolts and lag the Leg Assembly to the floor.
/8” Lag Bolts (6
Driver Side
SpinLite® FSW Leg
Passenger Side
Driver Side