SpinLite® Full Side Washer
Belanger, Inc. * PO BOX 5470 * Northville, MI 48167-5470 * Ph (248) 349-7010 * Fax (248) 380-9681
Motor Gearbox and Torque Plate Replacement
Install New Motor Gearbox & Torque Plate Assembly
6) Remove the Wire Clamp from the top of the Slip Ring Shaft.
7) Slide the Slip Ring Assembly onto the Slip Ring Shaft, secure the Slip Ring to the Torque
Mount, and tighten the four (4) setscrews located on the Inside Shaft Collar on the Slip Ring.
8) When the Slip Ring is secure, route the output wires (Slip Ring Plug) on the Slip Ring down
through the center of the Drive Shaft to the slot in the middle of the Drive Shaft.
9) Apply Loctite Red 271 to the Wire Clamp Fasteners and reattach the Wire Clamp to the top of
the Slip Ring Shaft and perpendicular to the Slip Ring Wires as shown in the images below.
Inside Shaft Collar
Slip Ring
Tighten the four
(4) Set Screws.
Step 7b:
Torque Mount
Slide the Slip Ring onto the
Slip Ring Shaft and secure it
to the Torque Mount.
Step 7a:
Remove Wire Clamp
from the Slip Ring Shaft.
Step 6:
Apply Loctite Red 271 to the Fasteners and install
the Wire Clamp perpendicular to the wires.
Step 9:
Route the Slip Ring Plug through
the center of the Drive Shaft.
Step 8:
Slip Ring Shaft