SpinLite® Full Side Washer
Belanger, Inc. * PO BOX 5470 * Northville, MI 48167-5470 * Ph (248) 349-7010 * Fax (248) 380-9681
Replacing an LED Light on the Hub Assembly
1) Remove the Hub Covers from the Hub Assembly to gain access to the LED electrical connections,
refer to the image below.
2) For the LED(s) that need to be replaced, remove the Retainer Clip(s) that secure the LED
Wire(s) to the top of the Hub Plate, refer to the image above.
3) Carefully pull the LED electrical connection(s) up through the hole(s) in the top of the Hub Plate(s).
4) Disconnect the LED Light Receptor(s) from the Wire Harness Plug(s), as shown above.
5) Repeat Steps 3 and 4 for any other LED Light(s) that need to be replaced on the Hub Assembly.
6) Remove one or if necessary both Hub Plate(s) from the Hub Assembly in order to remove the LED
Light(s) from the Hub.
Step 1:
Remove the Hub Covers
from the Hub Assembly.
Step 2:
Remove the Retainer Clip(s)
that secure the LED Wire(s) to
the Hub Plates.
Step 3 - 5:
For the LED Light(s) that need to
be replaced pull the connections up
through the holes in the Hub Plate
and disconnect the wires.
Step 6:
Remove one or both Hub
Plates as necessary from
the Hub Assembly.