SpinLite® Full Side Washer
Belanger, Inc. * PO BOX 5470 * Northville, MI 48167-5470 * Ph (248) 349-7010 * Fax (248) 380-9681
Replacing an LED Light on the Hub Assembly
11) Apply dielectric grease to the receptor(s) of the new LED Light(s).
12) Align the indicators on the LED Light(s) and Wire Harness Plug(s) and press them together gently
in order to not bend the pins, shown above on the right.
13) Wrap the LED connection(s) with electrical tape to protect them from the car wash elements.
14) Tuck the LED connection(s) into the holes in the Hub Plate(s) then secure the LED Wire(s) to the
top of the Hub Plate(s) by using the Retainer Clip(s), refer to the image above on the left.
15) Place the Hub Covers over the Hub Plates. Apply Anti-
Seize™ to the Hub Cover fasteners and
secure the Hub Covers to the Hub Plates as shown in the image below.
Align the indicators
and press the
connectors together
gently. Wrap
connections with
electrical tape.
Step 12 & 13:
Apply dielectric
grease to the LED
Step 11:
Step 15:
Apply Anti-
Seize™ to Hub
Cover Fasteners then align
and secure Hub Covers to
Hub Plates.
Hub Covers
Hub Plates
Tuck the LED Connections into the Hub
Plates and secure the LED Wires to the
Hub Plates with the Retainer Clips.
Step 14:
Retainer Clips
Hub Plates