7. Remove the front boot clamp securing the driveshaft
to the transaxle.
NOTE: Having the transmission in neutral will aid in
rotating the driveshaft for ease of removing the clamps.
NOTE: Using a suitable tool to break the seal of the
boot from the driveshaft will aid in removing the
8. From the front of the vehicle, hold both of the axles
and pull forward until the front differential is against
the frame. Slide the driveshaft off of the transaxle.
9. Remove the clamp behind the carrier bearing and slide the
rear driveshaft rearward. Remove the rear driveshaft.
10. Remove the front boot clamp securing the front differ-
ential to the driveshaft. Slide the front driveshaft rear-
ward and remove it from the vehicle.
NOTE: At this point, no further disassembling is
required to replace the driveshaft. If the technician’s
objective is to replace the carrier bearing, proceed to
step 11.
NOTE: The carrier bearing is a non serviceable
item. It must be replaced as an assembly.
11. Loosen the set screws on the bearing but do not
remove them.