2. Install the input shaft seal making sure it is fully
seated in the edge of the housing.
3. Lubricate the input shaft with High-Performance #2
Molybdenum Disulphide Grease packing the boot ribs
and splines; then assemble allowing excess grease to
freely escape. Slight pressure on the boot will be pres-
ent during assembly. Secure with new clamps.
NOTE: Any time drive splines are separated, clean
all splines with parts-cleaning solvent and dry with
compressed air; then lubricate with recommended
4. Install the input shaft into the pinion housing; then
secure in the bearing with a circlip.
5. Place the pinion housing with new gasket onto the dif-
ferential housing; then secure with existing cap
screws. Tighten to 23 ft-lb.
NOTE: If a new differential housing is being
installed, tighten the cap screws to 28 ft-lb.
Disassembling Differential Assembly
NOTE: This procedure can be performed on a rear
gear case.
1. Using a T-40 torx wrench, remove the cap screws
securing the pinion housing. Account for the coupler,
fork, and spring (differential only).
2. Using a T-40 torx wrench, remove the cap screws
securing the differential cover.
3. Using a plastic mallet, tap lightly to remove the differ-
ential cover. Account for an O-ring.