Touching areas where high voltages are present can result in severe injury.
Contact your dealer or a qualified electrician for any electrical work that ma
to be done.
Do not connect the power co
operate if the treadle is depressed by mistake, w
Be sure to connect the ground. If the ground connection is not secure, you run a
high risk of receiving a serious electric shock, and problems with correct operation
may also occur.
Connecting the cords:
ing areas where high voltages are present can result in severe injury.
Contact your dealer or a qualified electrician for any electrical work that ma
Do not connect the power cord until installation is complete. The machine may
operate if the treadle is depressed by mistake, which could in injury.
Be sure to connect the ground. If the ground connection is not secure, you run a
k of receiving a serious electric shock, and problems with correct operation
ing areas where high voltages are present can result in severe injury.
Contact your dealer or a qualified electrician for any electrical work that may need
installation is complete. The machine may
ich could in injury.
Be sure to connect the ground. If the ground connection is not secure, you run a
k of receiving a serious electric shock, and problems with correct operation