T E T R A M e s s a g i n g
To view all messages in a conversation,
open the
Single conversation
view by
tapping the conversation in the
You can start an individually
addressed call in the
view by selecting the
option Call
. This is useful, for
example, if you have received a
callback request.
Encrypted messages
If end-to-end encryption (E2EE) is
configured to be used, you can send and
receive both encrypted and unencrypted
SDS- and flash messages in network mode
(TMO) and direct mode (DMO). When
E2EE is activated, encrypted messages are identified with the Encrypted
icon in notifications and in the
My conversation
s view. The
Unencrypted message
icon is used to inform you that the message is
unencrypted, although E2EE is activated.
It is not possible to send E2EE messages during calls.
When you open a single conversation containing encrypted messages, the
messages are decrypted. If the decrypting of an encrypted message fails, it is
indicated by an error notification. Note that the decrypted content is shown
only for the time defined by the security timer. If you leave the conversation
views for a longer time than the security timer allows, the encrypted
messages are shown as encrypted when you return to the conversations
Dabat_en_print.book Page 87 Mardi, 27. novembre 2018 5:08 17