D i r e c t m o d e ( D M O )
Changing the scanning state
You cannot change the DMO group’s scanning state. All groups
of the selected DMO channel are either scanned or not, depending on
the DMO scanning state. The DMO groups do not have scanning
priority state or availability state.
To change the scanning state, which is a common setting for both TMO and
DMO, set the scanning on or off by using one of the following options:
Quick Settings
PMR settings in Android settings
TETRA Talk Groups
When scanning is on in DMO, all groups of the selected DMO channel and the
open group are scanned in DMO. The Scanning indicator
icon is
displayed in the Android Status Bar.
When scanning is off in DMO, only the selected group and the open group are
scanned, and the Scanning indicator
icon is not shown. The open group
is always scanned like the background groups in TMO; the open group is not
visible to the user in the group lists.
Making and receiving DMO calls
If you are transmitting continuously for longer than the call
transaction timer allows in the DMO group call, the speech item is
released and the call goes into the idle state. The expiring of the
connection is indicated by a notification a notification tone. The call is
ended if nobody requests a new speech item.
Making a DMO group call
1. Initiate or participate in a DMO group call by pressing the
If someone else is talking in the DMO group, you have to queue for your
turn to talk.
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