T E T R A I n d i v i d u a l C o m m u n i c a t i o n
If you initiate an individual call while you already have a TETRA individual
call or 3GPP call ongoing and the called party answers it, the ongoing
individual call is released.
Express calls
Express calls are immediate one-way calls between two persons. They are
connected without any actions needed from the recipient’s part and there is
also no ringing tone. The device vibrates when you receive an express call.
You can make express calls to TETRA numbers.
Depending on the E2EE settings of the device and smart card, the express
call is either encrypted or unencrypted. If the call is unencrypted and the clear
call warning tones are on, the clear call warning tone is played when you start
transmitting in the call and periodically after that during the call. The
icon is displayed in the Android Status Bar during the call to
remind you that the call is not encrypted.
Making an express call
If there is a group call ongoing, it is disconnected during the
express call.
To make an express call:
1. Open the
Alternatively, you can initiate the express call by selecting the semi-duplex
call action in the
Single contact
2. Enter the phone number in the
3. If the PMR Status Bar is visible, minimize or hide it before you initiate the
4. Press the
button to initiate the call.
If you are trying to make an encrypted call to a person whose device does
not support it, you are asked if you want to initiate an unencrypted call
instead. If you choose this option, an unencrypted express call is initiated;
otherwise, no call is initiated.
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