D i r e c t m o d e ( D M O )
Receiving a DMO group call
If scanning is on in the direct mode, you can receive group calls from all
groups of the selected DMO channel. The PMR Status Bar shows the DMO
group from which you receive the call and the talking party. The icon in front of
the DMO group’s name indicates whether the group is a Selected group
or Scanned group
If you receive a DMO group call from an open group - such as a background
group in TMO - the mnemonic of the open group is shown in the PMR Status
Bar if it is configured in the device. If the mnemonic is not available, it is
indicated as an open group.
If you want to mute the incoming DMO group call for a while, touch the End
button in the bottom left corner of the PMR Status Bar. All speech
items from blocked groups that reserve the whole DMO channel are blocked
during the blocking time. If the blocked DMO group call ends before the
blocking time ends also the blocking ends and a new DMO group call can be
started on the selected DMO channel
If the DMO group call is active but nobody is talking in the group, the call’s
state changes to idle. A reservation period timer is started when the talking
party releases the speech item. If nobody starts a new speech item before the
timer expires, the call is ended.
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