Communication objects
Communication objects
Product manual 2CKA001473B9679
12.1.95 2-button blind — Adjustment/slats position/stop
Object function
Data type
Sx: Adjust
Input / output
1.007 Step
Sx: Slats position
Input / output
5.001 Percent
Sx: Stop
Input / output
1.007 Step
The 1-bit communication object "Sx: Adjust" can be linked with switching objects of blind or
roller blind actuators.
The 1-byte communication object "Sx: Slats position" can be linked with position objects of blind
The 1-bit communication object "Sx: Stop" can be linked with switching objects of blind or roller
blind actuators.
12.1.96 1-button short-long operation - Reaction at short operation
Object function
Data type
Sx: Reaction at short operation
Input / output
1.001 Switching
Sx: Reaction at short operation
Input / output
5.001 Percent
A telegram is sent or received via the communication object with brief press of the button.
Which telegrams is sent depends on the setting of the parameters. The bit size of the object is
specified via the "Object type" parameter.
12.1.97 1-button short-long operation - Reaction at long operation
Object function
Data type
Sx: Reaction at long operation
Input / output
1.001 Switching
Sx: Reaction at long
Input / output
5.001 Percent
A telegram is sent or received via the communication object with long press of the button.
Which telegrams is sent depends on the setting of the parameters. The bit size of the object is
specified via the "Object type" parameter.