Communication objects
Communication objects
Product manual 2CKA001473B9679
The communication objects regarding the function blocks appear for each
function block in the same sequence depending on the parameterization.
– Only one sequence is explicitly presented in the following.
– The individual function blocks are differentiated by the numbering of the
blocks (e.g. S1, L1, etc.).
– The same applies to the numbering of the step switches.
12.1.92 1-button dimming - Switching
Object function
Data type
SX: Switching
Input / output
1.001 Switching
A switching telegram is received or sent via the 1-bit communication object.
12.1.93 1-button dimming - Relative dimming
Object function
Data type
SX: Relative dimming
3.007 Dimmer step
A dimming telegram is sent on the bus via the 3-bit communication object.
12.1.94 1-button blind - Moving/Position
Object function
Data type
Sx: Moving
Input / output
1.008 Up/Down
Sx: Position
Input / output
5.001 Percent
The 1-bit communication object "Sx: Moving" can be linked with switching objects of blind or
roller blind actuators.
The 1-byte communication object "Sx: Position" can be linked with position objects of blind