Description of application and parameters
Application "Function block x"
Product manual 2CKA001473B9679
Step size (%)
The possible options and setting limits depend on parameter "Object type".
Options for selection "1 byte 0-100%":
Setting option from 1 to 50 (%)
Options for selection "1 byte 0-255":
Setting option from 1 to 128
The parameter is used to specify the value the light is dimmed per step. The value sent, always
relates to the current brightness value.
Selection of object type "1 byte 0-100%". The current value is raised or lowered by the set
percentage value with a press of a button.
Example: The current value of the dimming actuator is 40%.
If the parameter is set on step size "10", the current value is raised from 40% to 50% or lowered
to 30% with a press of the button.
Selection of object type "1 byte 0-255": The current value is raised or lowered by the set
absolute value with a press of a button.
Example: The current value of the dimming actuator is 100.
If the parameter is set on step size "20", the current value is raised from 100 to 120 or lowered
to 80 with a press of the button.
Working mode of the buttons
1st button brighter / 2nd button darker
1st button darker / 2nd button brighter
First button brighter / 2nd button darker:
– When the first button is pressed the "dim brighter" command is sent and the "dim
darker" command when the second button is pressed.
First button darker / 2nd button brighter:
– When the first button is pressed the "dim darker" command is sent and the "dim
brighter" command when the second button is pressed.
The parameter is used to specify whether the light is dimmed brighter or darker with the first and
second button.
At the press of a button the value set via the "Step size" parameter is sent to the dimming
actuator via the 1-bit communication object "Sx: value".