Description of application and parameters
Application "Function block x"
Product manual 2CKA001473B9679
Evaluation period
Setting option from 02.000 to 05.000 (ss.fff)
Room lighting can be switched step-wise via a button.
To be able send a switching telegram after each actuation, the device requires a defined time
period (evaluation period) to decide whether the telegram is to be sent.
For example:
The button is pressed three times. If no further actuation is made within the set evaluation
period, the value for step 3 is sent.
Duration of long operation
Setting option from 00.300 to 02.5000 (ss.fff)
The application can differentiate between a short and a long press of the button. With a short
press of the button, the next level forward is switched to. With a long press of the button, the
first level is activated. Thus with a long press of the button a jump back from every level to the
first level is possible, without having to run through the remaining levels.
The parameter is used to specify the time from which a long press of the button is recognised
and the object values are reset. A typical value for a long press of the button is 0.4 seconds.
Sending of objects
For operation
For change of value
For operation:
– Telegram are sent at each press of the button.
For change of value
– Telegrams are only sent at a change of the object value.
The parameter is used to specify whether the object values for every button operation are sent
out on the bus or only if the object values have changed since they were sent last.