Communication objects
Communication objects
Product manual 2CKA001473B9679
12.1.9 LED - Alarm
Object function
Data type
LED: Alarm
1.005 Alarm
An alarm signal is received via the 1-bit communication object. If an On telegram is received via
the object, the LEDs of the buttons on which the parameter "Consider alarm function" has been
set on "Yes", flash. If an Off telegram is received via the object, the LEDs light up continuously.
12.1.10 LED - Day/Night mode
Object function
Data type
LED: Day/Night mode
1.001 Switching
The 1-bit communication object is used to switch the illumination of the buttons bright or dark for
which the parameter "Consider day/night function" has been set on "Yes". If a telegram with
value "1" is received, the LEDs of the buttons light up bright (day mode). If a telegram with value
"0" is received, the LEDs light up dark (night mode).
The illumination of the buttons is switched via the object. The illumination of the
display is switched via object no. 6 "DS: Display day/night".