Description of application and parameters
Application "General functions"
Product manual 2CKA001473B9679
Object type output
1 bit
1 byte
1 bit:
– Object "GFx: output“ consists of a 1-bit value (0/1).
1 byte:
– Object "GFx: output“ consists of a 1-byte value (0 - 255).
Each logic function has an output object. The result determined from the inputs is sent on the
bus via the output object.
The parameter is used to specify the bit size for the output object.
Send output object
With each input telegram
With a change of the output object
With each input telegram:
– When a telegram is received via the input object, the communication object always
sends the value of the output object on the bus. This also happens if the value of the
output object has not changed.
With a change of the output object:
– The communication object only sends a telegram when the value of the output object
has changed.
The parameter is used to specify whether a telegram is sent via communication object "GFx:
output" at each receipt of a telegram or only at a change of the output object.