Page 16 May 2014 – TD 293 OPERATING MANUAL – SmartGuard 5100/5120/5300/5320
Getting started
At delivery the SmartGuard system will, in most cases, already be assembled, all system parts included, the
attached devices and sensors defined and configured. The system may have been partly disassembled for
transport purposes and may need to be reassembled according to the system drawing. In both cases the
complete system has been tested to verify the correct functionality.
Connect and/or check all system parts and connections according to the system drawing.
Connect the power cable (11-30V), refer Figure A 2 in Appendix 1 - 1 and turn the power switch ON to power
the SmartGuard; the instruments needs approximately 30 seconds to start.
Figure 3-1 SmartGuard power switch.
Note! If your SmartGuard is not initialized and/or you have other sensors than just AADI Smart sensors
(AiCaP), or when you add additional sensors to the system at a later time then refer CHAPTER 6 for a
description of Device Layout to define your system.
View settings and start recording directly from the SmartGuard display
SmartGuard colour display provides information
and basic operational functionality to a local user.
for a detailed description of
operating the SmartGuard display.
Figure 3-2 SmartGuard main menu.
Power switch