Page 14 May 2014 – TD 293 OPERATING MANUAL – SmartGuard 5100/5120/5300/5320
Collecting data with SmartGuard
Data collection is controlled by the
Multi Group Recorder
available from the
Control Panel > Device
Configuration > Deployment Settings
menu. Sensors are organized in up to 3 separate groups. Each group
has its own recording interval and will generate its own set of data files. The groups will also generate its
own real-time data message.
Figure 2-2 Recording group structure.
Data collecting is perceived as recording sessions started and stopped by the user. The recording session can
start at power up if enabled. Recording groups can be started and stopped individually or all together. A
recording session starts when the first group is started and ends when the last one is stopped.
Any changes of recording interval made directly in the recording panel could thus not be kept in the
configuration session. For this reason you may also disable the option to change interval settings from the
recorder panel. You will then secure the full integrity of your data and connected configuration.
Real time data transfer with SmartGuard
When enabled for real-time data transfer each new data record will be transmitted through the
communication port immediately.
SmartGuard supports cabled real-time transfer, GPRS, radio modem and equivalent data channels where
modem can be used without initiation messages (e.g. AT commands) from SmartGuard.
SmartGuard also supports cabled real-time transfer via Ethernet.
The data format is AADI Real-Time XML protocols.