May 2014 – TD 293 OPERATING MANUAL – SmartGuard
Page 13
When using AADI Real-time collector SmartGuard settings are divided into three levels:
Device Layout,
Device Configuration, and Recording Panel
. These setting are available in the
Control Panel
level binds the actual connected sensor to the physical port that it is connected to. It
holds the individual sensors product identification and parameter definition (name, unit, data type, max
and min limits). For all AiCaP sensors this information is stored in the sensor and transferred to the
SmartGuard at power up. For all other sensors the information is stored in the SmartGuard
Device Configuration
level holds settings that the user can change to set up the system for a
particular deployment. A default configuration is stored in all AiCaP sensors, but these settings can be
altered using AADI Real-time collector. A new configuration will then be stored in the sensor and used at
next power up. For all other sensors the configuration is stored in the SmartGuard. Device Configuration is
categorized into three different levels: Deployment Settings, System Configuration and User
deals with settings connected to the location and the particular measurements
that are to be reordered following the setup.
System Configuration
settings deals with settings that are usually not changed between
deployments/recording sessions like e.g. sensor output parameter, timing for power control etc.
User Maintenance
deals with advanced settings that are rarely changed in a system setup. The user
needs a certain level of sensor skills and system understanding to make correct settings.
Recorder Panel
is where you start and stop data recording, monitoring data and enables real-time
distribution of data. Each parameter value appears as being measured by a smart sensor, traceable to the
individual sensors serial number, linearized and presented in engineering units, checked against set limits
and more.
Use AADI Real-Time Collector to configure the system and sensors. Settings and configuration can be saved
and stored on your computer for backup; these files can be restored to the SmartGuard using the SD-card or
real-time transfer.
The configuration setup is kept unchanged during recording. Thus for every recording session you will have a
complete unaltered configuration file in order to keep full integrity and traceability of your dataset.