IM DL350-01EN
• Velocity (Velocity)
Velocity (km/h) = distance per pulse l (km) ÷ Tw (s) × 3600
Velocity (m/s) = distance per pulse l (m) ÷ Tw (s)
You can define unique distances and units (angular velocity and other units).
Measurable range: F (= 1/Tw) = 0.01 Hz to 500 kHz
Distance per pulse (l)
Offset (Offset)
By setting an offset, you can move the waveform to a vertical position that is easier to see. You can set the offset
for each channel.
Without offset
With offset
Selectable Range of the Offset
The range varies depending on what is being measured.
• When measuring frequency: ±(Value/div) × 1000 or 500 kHz
• When measuring revolutions in rpm: ±(Value/div) × 1000 or 50 krpm
• When measuring revolutions in rps: ±(Value/div) × 1000 or 1000 rps
• When measuring periods: ±(Value/div) × 1000 or 50 s
• When measuring duty ratios: ±(Value/div) × 1000 or 100%
• When measuring power frequency: You cannot set an offset.
• When measuring pulse widths: ±(Value/div) × 1000 or 50 s
• When measuring pulse integration: ±(Value/div) × 1000 or 1.0000E+22
• When measuring velocity: ±(Value/div) × 1000 or 1.0000E+22
Notes about Setting the Offset
Changes to the offset are not applied when acquisition is stopped. The changed offset will be applied to the next
• The offset does not affect cursor-measurement values, automated measurement values of waveform
parameters, or computed values.
• You can change the position of the waveform relative to the vertical position (change the focus of the
vertical zoom) by changing the offset.
4 Vertical Axis