IM DL350-01EN
You can use auto setup to automatically configure the appropriate settings (such as vertical axis, horizontal
axis, and trigger settings) for the input signal. This feature is useful when you are not sure what type of signal
will be applied to the instrument. The auto setup feature will not work properly on some input signals. Also,
there are some modules with which the auto setup feature cannot be used.
All Channel Settings (All CH Setup)
Input Settings (Setup)
You can configure the settings of all channels while viewing the settings in a list. You can also copy the various
vertical axis settings of one channel to another channel. There are some items that cannot be configured from
the All CH Setup screen.
Measurement Item Setting
Waveform display (Disp), label (Label), coupling (Coupling), vertical scale (V/div), bandwidth
limit (Band Width), zoom method (DIV/SPAN), position (Position), magnification for zooming (V
Zoom), display range limits for zooming (Upper/Lower), probe attenuation and current-to-voltage
conversion ratio (Probe)
Waveform display (Disp), label (Label), coupling (Coupling), vertical scale (V/div), bandwidth
limit (Band Width), zoom method (DIV/SPAN), position (Position), magnification for zooming (V
Zoom), display range limits for zooming (Upper/Lower)
Waveform display (Disp), label (Label), coupling (Coupling), thermocouple type (Type), bandwidth
limit (Band Width), display range settings (Upper/Lower), reference junction compensation (RJC),
burnout (Burn Out)
Waveform display (Disp), label (Label), coupling (Coupling), thermocouple type (Type), bandwidth
limit (Band Width), burnout (Burn Out), display range settings (Upper/Lower), reference junction
compensation (RJC), vertical scale (V/div), zoom method (DIV/SPAN), position (Position),
magnification for zooming (V Zoom), display range limits for zooming (Upper/Lower)
Waveform display (Disp), label (Label), range unit (Range Unit), measurement range (Range),
bandwidth limit (Band Width), display range settings (Upper/ Lower), gauge factor (Gauge
Factor), bridge voltage (Excitation)
Waveform display (Disp), label (Label), coupling (Coupling), gain (Gain), bandwidth limit (Band
Width), zoom method (DIV/SPAN), position (Position), magnification for zooming (V Zoom),
display range limits for zooming (Upper/Lower), sensitivity (Sensitivity)
Waveform display (Disp), label (Label), measured item (Function), vertical scale (V/div), zoom
method (DIV/SPAN), position (Position), magnification for zooming (V Zoom), display range limits
for zooming (Upper/Lower), center frequency (CenterFreq), input settings (Input)
Waveform display (Disp), label (Label), bit display (Bit Display), chattering elimination (Chatter
Elim.), position (Position), magnification for zooming (V Zoom), bit mapping (Mapping)
* In the setup menu for configuring all channels, for channels that correspond to CAN bus monitor modules,
CAN & LIN bus monitor modules, or SENT monitor modules, or for GPS (CH7), you can only turn on and
off (Disp) the waveform display.
4 Vertical Axis