IM DL350-01EN
Settings for Each Item - frequency measurement
When Measuring Revolutions
Pulse/Rotation Setting (Pulse/Rotate)
Set the number of pulses per revolution to a value from 1 to 99999.
When Measuring Duty Ratios or Pulse Widths
• Measured Pulse Setting (Measure Pulse)
Set the type of pulse to measure to Positive or Negative.
When Measuring Duty Ratios
• Positive: The rising-pulse percentage is measured.
• Negative: The falling-pulse percentage is measured.
When Measuring Pulse Widths
• Positive: The rising-pulse width is measured.
• Negative: The falling-pulse width is measured.
When Positive Is Selected
When Negative Is Selected
Pulse width:
The width of Tp is
Duty cycle:
Ta/Tb is measured.
• Timeout Period (Time out)
Set the timeout period for duty ratio measurement. If the pulse polarity does not change for longer than the
specified time, the duty ratio is not measured.
Selectable range: 0.00001 s (10 μs) to 80 s. The default setting is 10.00100 s.
Resolution: 0.00001 s (10 μs)
The duty ratio when a timeout occurs is 0% or 100%.
• Duty ratio (%) when the type of pulse to measure is positive
0%: When a timeout occurs with the input signal at low level
100%: When a timeout occurs with the input signal at high level
• Duty ratio (%) when the type of pulse to measure is negative
0%: When a timeout occurs with the input signal at high level
100%: When a timeout occurs with the input signal at low level
When Measuring Power Supply Frequency
Center Frequency Setting (Center Frequency)
Set the center frequency to 50 Hz, 60 Hz, or 400 Hz.
When Measuring Pulse Integration
• Unit/Pulse Setting (Unit/Pulse)
You can set the physical amount per pulse to a value from −9.9999E+30 to 9.9999E+30.
• Unit Setting (Unit)
You can set the displayed pulse-integration unit as necessary using up to four characters.
• Over Limit Reset Setting (Over Limit Reset)
Select ON to reset the pulse count automatically when the range is exceeded. If you do not want to reset the
pulse count, select OFF.
• Manual Reset (Reset)
To manually reset the pulse count, select Exec.
4 Vertical Axis