IM DL350-01EN
The instrument requires the following processing times to read data frames transferred on the CAN bus. New
data frames that the instrument receives during these processing times may be discarded.
Number of Channels Used per Port
One Port in Operation
Two Ports in Operation
40 μs
80 μs
60 μs
120 μs
80 μs
160 μs
120 μs
240 μs
200 μs
400 μs
Waveform Display On and Off
You can select whether to display each port’s input signal waveforms. Each port corresponds to CH1 to CH4.
• ON: Shows the waveform
• OFF: Hides the waveform
Reading Data Frames (CAN Port Config.)
Sub Channel Display Settings (Display)
One Shot Output Settings (One shot out Setup)
Reading Data Frames (CAN Port Config.)
Port and All Sub Channel Settings (Port & All SubChannel Setup)
Loading a CAN Data Definition File (Symbol File Load)
Configuring the Scales of All Sub Channels (All SubChannel Auto Scale/Default Scale)
Port and All Sub Channel Settings (Port & All SubChannel
Port Settings (Port Setup)
• Bit Rate (Bit Rate)
Select the CAN bus signal transmission speed.
10k, 20k, 33.3k, 50k, 62.5k, 66.7k, 83.3k, 100k, 125k, 200k, 250k, 400k, 500k, 800k, 1Mbps
• Sample Point (Sample Point)
Select the sample point for each bit.
71%, 78%, 85%
• Resynchronization Jump Width (Sync Jump Width)
Set the correction value used to synchronize the bit timing between sending and receiving nodes.
1 to 4 in units of Tq (Time Quantum)
• Number of Samples (Bit Sample Num)
You can set the number of samples at each bit’s sample point.
1: The sample point data is sampled once. We recommend that you use this setting for high-speed buses.
3: The sample point data is sampled three times. We recommend that you use this setting for slow and
medium speed buses.
• Listen Only (Listen Only)
ON: The ACK bit is not transmitted.
OFF: The ACK bit is transmitted.
4 Vertical Axis